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5 Classroom Routines and Procedures to “Reset” When Things Feel Chaotic


Are behavior issues popping up more than usual in your classroom? Are your students forgetting expectations and you’re just hoping that things will settle down? Does the next break seem entirely TOO far away? Let me help you get your classroom back on track with these 5 classroom routines and procedures to “reset” when things feel chaotic.

*If you want to transform your classroom management, be sure to request an invite to The Classroom Reset for on demand tools and strategies that help!

Let me help you get your classroom back on track with these 5 classroom routines and procedures to "reset" when things feel chaotic!

5 Classroom Routines and Procedures to “Reset” When Things Feel Chaotic

Do you feel tired, exhausted, stressed, or worn down by classroom management struggles? At different times of the school year, our classroom routines can get a little (or a lot) out of sorts. I’ve been there which is why I’ve got your back!

Check out these 5 things to “push the reset” button on any time of year for quick improvements!

Resetting routines like how to line up can make all the difference during times of transition.
  1. Arrival Routine – How are your students coming in to start the day?

  2. Transitions – Transitions can make or break classroom struggles.

  3. Circle Time – Revisit the length of your Circle Time, and how your students arrive and depart from it.

  4. Procedures – Lining up, going to lunch, recess, etc. What are the current routines for these? Do they need to be updated?

  5. Clean Up Time – Does this need a revisit to make things calmer?
Transitioning to and from Circle Time is another routine worth resetting to ensure your students are ready to learn.

Don’t wait! Change might feel hard, yes – but dealing with the same issues and classroom management struggles for the whole year is harder.

Would you like to say goodbye to classroom management struggles? Join us in The Classroom Reset!

Get help on demand, anytime with our growing library of videos and tools that answer your specific classroom management questions. Pick a problem or area of focus, and we’ll help you “reset” it! Request an invite to join us in The Classroom Reset!

Get help on demand with our growing library of videos and tools that answer your specific classroom management questions.

The Classroom Reset isn’t just a course – it’s your guide to resetting your classroom management and making this year the best one yet!


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