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How to Set Up and Manage Pre-K & Kindergarten Centers


Centers are supposed to be a fun part of the day, but if you’re feeling more stressed out than playful, it might be time to change it up. We know that centers are a staple when it comes to early childhood education but, as you know, they can be A LOT of work! But what if there was a better way? I’m here to tell you, there is! Request an invite to our “Supercharge Your Centers” mini-course where I will share with you this must-try system for how to set up and manage free-flowing centers in Pre-K and Kindergarten!

*Don’t miss out! Request an invite to this exclusive training HERE!

Request an invite to our “Supercharge Your Centers” course to learn how to implement independent and engaging Pre-K & Kindergarten centers!

How to Set Up and Manage Pre-K & Kindergarten Centers

We know play is a vital part of early childhood development and learning. But you may feel like you are spending your days managing your classroom (or maybe it’s managing you) instead of fostering an environment of independent, engaged learners. So what do you do?

You don’t need to reinvent the wheel to have your centers running smoothly. I’m going to walk you through the exact system I use in my classroom: free-flowing centers – where students make choices, learn, and have fun at the same time!

With free-flowing centers, students can choose and get their centers independently.

What’s Included?

Inside this mini-course, you will find a combination of video lessons, printable resources, and guides to assist you with setting up free-flowing Pre-K and Kindergarten centers. These resources will walk you through the following topics:

  • What are playful centers?
  • Setting up for success and how to get started
  • Rotating centers out
  • Free-flowing centers in action
  • How many can play?
  • Working with standards

We also include a bonus guide with the step-by-step process for changing your center time routine mid-year – you can truly transform your centers anytime, and we make it easy!

This course will teach you an easy and effective system for Pre-K and Kindergarten centers.

Here are the top 5 benefits I see in classrooms that transition to free-flowing centers:

  • Saving hours of prep time
  • Engaging students in playful learning
  • Discovering tons of opportunities for differentiation
  • Encouraging independence in kids
  • Minimizing management issues and disruptions

Plus, you get a 2-hour certificate of completion at the end!

Request Your Invite!

No need to wait until next school year, request an invite today so you can “Supercharge Your Centers”! Just click the large, yellow button below for lifetime access to this course and ALL of the resources too!


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