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FREE Behavior Management Class for Early Childhood Teachers


When unexpected behaviors occur in our classrooms, it can feel pretty stressful. If you’ve been an early childhood teacher for any length of time, you can probably relate. I’m here to help you discover how to navigate tricky behaviors without frustration and burnout. In this FREE Behavior Management Class for early childhood teachers, I will share my most effective tips and strategies!

*For more tips on how to create a positive AND playful learning environment in your classroom, be sure to join us in P.L.A.Y. (Playful Learning All Year)!

This FREE Behavior Management Class for Early Childhood Teachers will help you navigate tricky behaviors without frustration and burnout!

FREE Behavior Management Class for Early Childhood Teachers

Picture it (I know you can!)… a student melting down in the hallway on the way to an assembly while you have a line of 25 other kids (and not to mention the other teachers and students in the hall staring?). How about this one? A student is throwing items during an activity which also happens to be when admin is observing you. Do either of these sound familiar?

In these moments, it’s hard to think of anything other than, “I need to fix this and make it stop.” You may even start to feel embarrassed or stressed out as if it’s a direct reflection of your ability to manage your classroom.

The truth is, behavior is much more complex than that. More often than not, it has nothing to do with you.

Social skills like sharing toys need to be taught and reinforced.

I’ve been there. As I’m sure you know, teaching in these moments can sometimes feel defeating. It may even feel like our only hope is to “just get through the year.” But, how would you like to navigate these situations with ease and see more progress with your students this year? Um… yes, please!

In this free webinar, I will help you go from confused to confident. I will walk you through 3 simple steps to become a behavior detective and dramatically improve results in your classroom.

By the end of our short (under an hour) but powerful time together, you will know:

  • Causes of behavior
  • 3 steps to becoming a behavior detective (of course!)
  • How routines affect behaviors
  • Strategies for when unexpected behaviors occur
This behavior management class will help with tricky behaviors that can happen when students use manipulatives.

Free BONUS Resource

You may be thinking, “I’m too busy for this!” And I agree – teacher schedules are jam-packed! But I also know what a positive impact this hour can make for you and your students.

That is why when you dedicate time for this class, you will leave with a FREE set of lanyard visuals to use in your classroom (these are such a powerful tool!) as well as a behavior tracking template to help you implement what you learned so that not one second goes to waste.

This class includes a free set of lanyard visuals to use in your classroom as well as a behavior tracking template.

You can either keep doing what you’ve been doing and hope for things to change in your classroom on their own, OR you can join me for this short, free webinar and discover how to make change happen yourself.

Sign Up Today!

Are you ready to turn your year around and help your students (and yourself) with tricky behaviors? Sign up for this FREE behavior management class and get the included lanyard visuals and behavior tracking template by clicking the large, yellow button at the end of the post!

Want to stress less with even more “must-try” tips while learning how to create a “Playful Learning” environment?

(even if you “aren’t allowed to play”)

If you’re wanting to incorporate playful learning, free-flowing centers, effective routines, and more in your Pre-K or Kindergarten classroom, then you’ll definitely want to join us in P.L.A.Y. (Playful Learning All Year)!

This P.L.A.Y. course is a deep dive into practical ways that you can create a playful learning environment in your classroom!

This course is a deep dive into practical ways that you can create a playful learning environment in your classroom. Be sure to request an invitation so you’re the first to hear when the virtual doors open!

Click here to subscribe

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