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Finding the Right Fit – Editable Classroom Volunteer Survey


Parent volunteers are a wonderful addition to any classroom. There are so many moving parts in a Pre-K or Kindergarten class, any extra helping hands are especially appreciated. But finding the right fit for your classroom volunteers can make all the difference and this free, editable volunteer survey is the perfect tool for you!

Finding the right fit for classroom volunteers matters. Start with this free volunteer survey and ask what talents they are excited to share!

Finding the Right Fit – Editable Classroom Volunteer Survey

Volunteers often have different levels of comfort with leading activities. Some feel super comfortable and would teach your class for you if you allowed them to. Others are okay to help monitor supplies for an art project, but would feel intimidated if you asked them to lead a small group.

The key is to find the right fit for your volunteers in the classroom. They have gifts and talents that they are ready to share, so find out what they would be excited to help with!

I’ve found the best way to find the right fit for your volunteers is to survey them! You can do this at Meet the Teacher. Or you could send a survey home with your beginning of the year information. You could of course be fancy and send a digital survey too!

I've found the best way to find the right fit for your volunteers is to survey them!

But what do you ask in a volunteer survey? I like to ask questions to gauge volunteers’ comfort levels with different tasks I may need help with. I also ask about their availability.

Are they a volunteer who can only help with a month’s notice because they need to take off of work? Or are they someone who can do a last minute task that may pop up. Is that person comfortable being in the classroom working with a group of students? Or are they more excited to help provide and prep supplies for an art project?

Maybe one of your helpers can only do things at home, but is super busy and needs a couple weeks to complete a project, but another can turn around your tracing needs in a couple of days. There is a place for everyone to help. But it is super useful to know the desires and needs of your volunteers. (Plus, it’s really helpful to know who you can call in a pinch!)

Editable Survey for Volunteers in the Classroom

Today, I’m excited to share with you a survey I made that you can send to your potential volunteers. But of course, you know what you need help with in your own classroom, so it is completely editable.

Feel free to change the questions, the information requested, or anything else to better suit your needs!

This volunteer survey is editable so feel free to change the questions or information requested.

If you are a digital whiz, you could always send out a similar questionnaire through an online platform like Google Forms™ or Survey Monkey.

Once you know what your volunteers are comfortable with and when they are available, you know exactly who to go to when you need help with something!

If you need some ideas for how to use volunteers both in and out of the classroom, head HERE to see a great list of ideas!

Grab this free survey I created and make it your own!

Grab Your FREE Copy

Grab this free EDITABLE volunteer survey now by clicking the large, yellow download button below! Click Here to Download Your Printable


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