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7 (funny) Signs You Are a Kindergarten Teacher


Teaching Kindergarten is an adventure. We know the truth about teaching kindergarten – it isn’t easy! Teaching any grade is an adventure! What always makes me laugh is that no matter how we try to blend in with the humans among us, there are certain things that are just a dead giveaway that we are teachers!

Here are 7 (I think funny) signs that you are a Kindergarten teacher. I think these are fitting for many other grades as well!

Here are 7 (funny) signs that you are a Kindergarten teacher. They likely won't surprise you, but will make you smile!

7 Signs You Are a Kindergarten Teacher

1.  You buy 150 plastic folders (or composition books, or binders, or…. fill in the blank) while they are on super sale because your kids will “need” them. Even better….finding the notebooks with the primary lines! #Heaven

You buy 150 plastic folders. or composition books, or binders while they are on super sale.

2. You will not let anything go to waste that could be used in the classroom. Throwing away a scrabble game? Any game with letters? No you’re not – we are using those tiles for spelling!

Kindergarten teachers use any game pieces with letters for spelling practice.

3. You keep Post-It in business. Sticky note flags, mini notepads, large notepads… even better, the giant Post-It charts!

You keep Post-It in business with all of your sticky note flags, mini notepads, and large notepads.

4. You have marker stains on your hands because you tell the kids not to use their hands to dry erase the whiteboard yet you use your hands. #Guilty

You have dry erase marker stains on your hands because you constantly use them to erase the white board in your classroom.

5. You take giant bags home from school to work on. They often sit at your home and then travel back to school with you, sometimes untouched.

You take giant bags home from school to work on even though they sometimes go untouched.

6. You can decode writing that is practically hieroglyphics. No that isn’t the number 2, it says “My mom and I went to a museum and had dinner.” Can’t you tell? This may be a Kindergarten teacher super power.

You can decode writing that is practically hieroglyphics.

7. You can turn anything into a song. Whether you can sing or not. Time to come to the carpet? There’s a song for that. Have to line up? Wash your hands? Clean up? Yeah, there are songs for those too. You sometimes even sing them at home while doing the dishes because they won’t leave your mind.

Kindergarten teachers can turn anything into a song and often find themselves singing them at home.

So there you have it – 7 funny ways you can tell that someone just may teach Kindergarten (or preschool.. or primary grades!). What grade do you teach? Would you add anything? We know teaching kindergarten can be super fun, yet sometimes super stressful! Check out these 7 ways to manage teacher stress! They may just help you out this year!


46 Responses

  1. I could not tell which of the seven was more real for me!! Every single thing was true. I don't even learn songs that others have written to help in the classroom any more… I simply start singing and say what I need to say… some of our best songs have come about that way 🙂 And on those very rare occasions when I leave school without a 50 pound book bag, I fret all the way home that I've forgotten something 😛 Great post, Alex. Needed the chuckle. Kathleen Kidpeople Classroom

  2. Haha! This made me laugh because it is so true!! I sing EVERYTHING…why, because I love to sing but more importantly, the kiddos stop what they are doing and listen intently! 🙂 And I ALWAYS take a full school bag home that rarely gets touched! Thank you for sharing.

    1. Horder? Horder? Yep that’s me. I am a substitute and did not get hired on full time last year. I don’t just collect things for K but for K-5. I have filing cabinets for each grade. I have games for each grade and centers and BOOKS don’t even get me started with the furniture: tables, chairs, kids kitchen…. Oh did I mention that I am a science teacher at heart and I have equipment and experiments for each grade. My husband built a 40×80 foot garage and I have filled a third of it with “teaching stuff”. There is a reason students call me Mrs. Frizzle!

  3. These are PERFECT! Oh my gosh – ever one of them. I keep telling myself I am going to just "use up" letters that I have this coming year- because I have so many that I HAD to save!
    Thanks for making me feel more "normal!"

  4. These are great!! And I am seriously on the lookout for the primary lined composition books from the Dollar Store!! I bought some last year, but not a class set so I'm hoping they will put them out this year! Thanks for sharing! 🙂

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