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5 Things to Never Say to a Kindergarten Teacher


Being a Kindergarten teacher is one of the hardest and most rewarding things I do. I love it and I wouldn’t trade it. I have taught other grades, K-3, and Kindergarten is really my home. That being said, I am not sure if non-teachers realize that Kindergarten isn’t exactly rainbows and unicorns (though I do get some fun pictures of them). Here are my top 5 things to never say to a Kindergarten teacher (even with the best of intentions)!

Have a Kindergarten teacher in your life? Be sure not to say these 5 things to them. Being a Kindergarten teacher is tougher than it looks!

5 Things to Never Say to a Kindergarten Teacher

There are the occasional people who, usually after going on a field trip with us, bow down in awe and say, “I never knew!” There are also people who don’t spend any time with us, but like to say things or ask questions that just come off slightly, well…annoying.

You will find some of these sayings over in the post The Truth About Teaching Kindergarten, and I have added a few more that I have loved hearing (NOT) over the years. While I am sure this post could go on and on – these 5 are recurring statements that tend to surface each school year.

Keep in mind, I do know that people more often than not do not mean anything negative with their words. I have come to the conclusion that they simply don’t get it.

Much like I am sure there are more jobs than I can count where I don’t get it either. So instead of letting myself get upset, I just come to my piece of the internet and make a list (in true teacher fashion, I suppose) and I vow to just “smile and wave boys” like the penguins of Madagascar from here on out (and if you haven’t seen Madagascar, well, you haven’t lived).

Please also know that my sarcastic responses are all in my brain and I truly am a nice person and teacher who LOVES what I do and my kiddos too!  đź™‚

So let’s dive right in! Here are my top 5 things to never say to a Kindergarten teacher!

1. “You teach Kindergarten? That must be pretty easy, right?” – Well, thanks for asking. I could ask you if you have ever tried to keep 30 cats in one room while also teaching them to read, but instead I will just smile and say, “No, not really…”

2. “Aww… they must be so cute” (said in a tone that sounds like I play with newborn puppies all day) Yes, they are cute. Yes, I love them. However, with any children, sometimes THEY are cute, but their actions are not. (Please, stop eating the gluestick.)

3. “It must be so fun to teach Kindergarten and play all day!” Le SIGH. Yes, it’s fun. I love it, I really do. Yes, we do play (but not all day). And if asking a 5 year old to please stop licking my shoe during the read aloud is playing, well, I am curious what play looks like to you then.

4. “I guarantee those kids would listen to me!” (said by someone who has never taught a day in their life) Okaaaay… care to put money on that? I’ve always wanted a nice vacation – maybe you could sub for me then and we will see if you make it out alive?

5. “Do they learn anything in Kindergarten?”  A simple rephrase of “So, what do they learn in Kindergarten?” is preferred and doesn’t make my eyes widen to the extent they do when Fred is playing “hungry hippos” with scissors and his friend’s hair.

There are more – I could quite possibly write a book. But – I would rather hear yours! What have people said to you about being a Kindergarten teacher (or preschool – preschool teachers get it the worst sometimes) that made you shudder (or laugh)?

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30 Responses

  1. Teaching 25 five year olds to read, write, follow rules,get along, and develop fine motor is a little different than coloring all day.

    1. Jeanne,

      You couldn’t be more right. Grateful we’re all in this together. Hope you have a great week! 🙂

  2. I teach pre-school. Yes, I have a degree. My favorite question is, “Do you ever conceded being a real teacher?”

  3. Me- “I used to want to teach 5th grade, but I realized that kindergarten was the grade for me.”
    Person at the dinner table – “Aw it’s okay, you’ll get there one day.”

    Really? These people thought teaching kindergarten wasn’t a major accomplishment 🙄 I just kept smiling and waving responding, “I’m where I want to be.”

  4. Alex, and all the Kinder Teachers that responded,

    I am not a Teacher but I was an Education Parapro for 7 years, at my kids elementary school. I worked with the kindergaten thru 5th grade in the Title One program. I have the utmost respect for all teachers but I do believe kindergarten is the hardest. The kids have all different diciplinary levels, they are extremely curious , and are extremely fun to teach. Honestly I think Kindergarten Teachers are people who build the childs desire to learn. I love every single one of them I worked with, so much so that I taught my grand kids to read and count to 120, the months, days of the week etc basically preschool so the they could be ready and their teachers could focus more on the kids that struggle. I didn’t Know anything when I went to first grade and I was determined that my grandkids wouldn’t have to ever feel dumb. The elementary where I worked I worked with the kids that just weren’t up to level. I loved it when their eyes lit up and they got it. When these parents ask dumb questions. Tell them their first teacher is them and you do what you can with what you have been given. Parents who work with their kids have kids who are succesful. I had four kids who studied for two hours everyday during the summer. I only had a highschool education and I taught them the basics. I put everything on poster boards all over the house,read to them, etc ,they all have recieved the Presidential Education Awards. They are grown now and doing well. So to all of you Kindergarten Teachers God Bless all of you and Alex thank You for sharing Freebies so I can teach my younger grand kids before they go to school. Hope my teaching them the little things makes it easier. PS.My twin grandsons teacher wanted to know the name of the preschool they went to so she could refer some of the other parents. My Daughter-in-law said ” their grandma taught them and I am not sure she wants to teach preschool.” I was shocked but felt it was a nice complement for something I did just because they were my grandkids.

  5. Well after your first year it’s just the same thing over and over, right?

    This is super irritating from someone with a desk job.

    New curriculum of some kind EVERY year and new people. No 2 people or groups of people are alike.

  6. I taught prek for 7 years before switching to K this year. Last year were were learn g about outer space. Planet names, star colors – sizes and heat, gravity, how we get day and night etc……the lunch delivery guy later expressed his concern that they were much too young for that….lol I assured him they were not, especially since they knew all the answers and we’re so engaged they willingly chose to sit and discuss this for 30 minutes!!

  7. I had a principal who asked all of us to frame and hang our diploma and teaching certificate in our classroom. After the tenth person said, “Oh, I didn’t know you had to go to college to teach kindergarten!” I decided it was a good idea!! I retired nine years ago after forty years but I keep getting drawn back in! Guess it really is a calling!

  8. I teach preschool amd pre k. A few years back, about 3 weeks before the school year ends, a mom of a child that was having some not only learning but behavioral issues tells me I need to “FIX” her son before kindergarten! We talked to her numerous times, offered ways to help him, ofered to work with her and do the same things at school she does at home but to no avail. I wonder how hes doing today! Sigh

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